Month: November 2021


In order to give back to the community, villages, and alumni, Renhe, which is entering its 48th year this year, joined the ranks of the prospective public child care in August of the 110th school year, and cooperated with the government to alleviate the burden of parents. There is no registration fee and the monthly fee is $3,500 for the first child, $2,500 for the second child and $1,500 for the third child. Starting from August 111, the monthly fee will be reduced by another $500 per month. The burden on parents has been lightened. Jen-Ho is a quality, brand-name, well-established and well-recognized school.

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Message from the Director - Thanksgiving Tour: Kaohsiung Science and Technology Museum

"Because of Jen-Ho, we know we have Thanksgiving." "Teachers say we should draw things we are thankful for on thank you cards..." "Thank you mom and dad for giving me a warm home..." "Thank you to the sun for giving us sunshine" "Thank you to the tree for giving me coolness"...words of gratitude were expressed through words and recorded in the weekly data book to express our gratitude to the school for their dedication and teachers' contribution. "Draw a card and send it to your teacher to thank you for your care and love!

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Parenting] Traveling with your child is about nurturing his mind, not filling his memories.

Before we started the LittleTinker Out-of-School Education Lab, our family had a long history of moving around. Prior to the trip, friends and family were surprised by our decision, saying that it would be expensive, that the kids wouldn't remember it when they grew up, or that it would be a pain in the ass to run around with them. My son may not remember the first time he saw the ocean, when the cool water washed over his toes; he may not remember the time when his dad held him and accompanied him to the ocean.

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A Message from the Director - Giving Thanks in the Season of Gratitude

Campus life has been very exciting this week. In addition to teaching and regular activities, Tuesday's stroller safety presentation and Wednesday's tree-sawing project at the back door added more learning topics to campus life. On Tuesday mornings, the biannual Pram Safety Orientation is held, where Ms. Lijuan leads the children to learn about the Prams, the drivers, the accompanying teachers, and what the children must follow. The doll car: a. It must not be older than 10 years old and must be inspected and maintained regularly. b. It must not be used as a vehicle. c. It must not be used as a vehicle for any other purpose.

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Parenting】Safety for young children on the street

In response to the epidemic alert has been reduced to level 2 since July 27, the Ministry of Education announced that kindergartens are conditionally open, and kindergarten cars are also on the road. Mayor Huang Wei-zhe attaches great importance to the prevention of epidemics and the safety of the line, especially the special cars for young children, and more importantly, the implementation of the management and auditing, the requirements of the "zero modification, zero overloading, zero speeding, safety facilities to be fully equipped, qualified drivers can not be less, and the prevention of epidemics should be well done," the goal to ensure the safety of children! To ensure the safety of children and the peace of mind of parents. During the vaccination period, the Education Bureau will continue to supervise all

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【親子教養篇】 流感疫苗(Influenza)

流感簡介 傳播方式: 流感的傳染途徑,主要是透過感染者咳嗽或打噴嚏所產生的飛沫將病毒傳播給其他人,尤其在密閉空間,由於空氣不流通,更容易造成病毒傳播。另外,因為流感病毒可短暫存活於物體表面,所以也可經由接觸傳染,如手接觸到污染物表面上的口沫或鼻涕等黏液,再碰觸自己的口、鼻或眼睛而感染。 由於流感病毒

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Message from the Director - Exercise Habits

體能音樂一響,孩子們魚貫的走到室外穿好鞋子,在老師的帶領下,到器材室合力搬所需的器材,在活動室、綠色廣場、操場、走廊等不同場地,進行搖呼拉圈、踢球、踩高蹺、騎車、跳躍、攀爬等大肌肉的活動,三十分鐘的活動,孩子們開心、快樂的玩著,欲罷不能。 週一到週四上午11時到11時半,例行性的大肌肉活動,養成小孩

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10/28 [campus immunization measures]

The Ministry of Education, in cooperation with the Central Command Center for Epidemics, adjusted the relevant regulations on October 28, 110: ※Parents and visitors will not be admitted to the school (campus) in principle, except for those who have been recognized by the school and the kindergarten as having a need to be admitted to the school. (a) Parents should take the initiative to care for their children's/students' health and take their temperature before going to school. If fever or respiratory symptoms occur, they should rest at home and avoid going out. (b) Teachers and students should take the following steps before entering the school.

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Thanksgiving Program

Thanksgiving Card] - The fourth Thursday of November is an important American tradition - Thanksgiving Day. We hope that through this meaningful holiday, children can learn to be thankful for their parents, teachers, friends, and those who do things for us. Today, we are distributing a colorful drawing sheet. Parents and children are invited to make a drawing together to express their gratitude through pictures and words. For your reference, here are the contents of the card: "Thanksgiving Card" Activity: Take away

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