Month: July 2021

Message from the Campus Director - Thank you for the Graduation Ceremony under the Epidemic No White Spaces

After Mother's Day, when we were about to plan the camp for the older class, the government announced the suspension of classes at all levels due to the Xin Guan Epidemic, which was upgraded to a level 3 outbreak, and stopped all the semester plans for the next semester. During the two-month suspension, we were unable to hold camps, but we did our best to provide videos from time to time, and in June, we even recorded a teaching video for children to learn at home; we shared stories in Chinese, English, and Taiwanese, and we also provided a video for the children to watch.

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園長的話 – 習以為常,彌足珍貴

市長黃偉哲7月22日宣布「臺南市幼兒園、安親班7月27日起有條件開放」,對幼兒園和家長來說,這可是一個好消息。而政府也在7月23日上午,正式宣布疫情於727調降至二級。 新冠肺炎爆發後,全台疫情陷入嚴峻狀態,從指揮中心宣布三級警戒開始,各級學校從5月19日起停課至今,大部分民眾都乖乖配合防疫政策,盡

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行政院長蘇貞昌今天召開政院擴大防疫會議,拍板27日起調降為二級警戒。政院官員表示,集會活動人數上限將放寬至室內50人、室外100人,餐飲業若有適當防疫措施,也可開放內用,且經溝通,地方對此通案原則並無意見。 行政院發言人羅秉成今天表示,行政院長蘇貞昌今天召開政院擴大防疫會議,聽取近日疫情發展,與各部

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Message from the Director - Join the quasi-publicization, the quality of Renhe remains unchanged.

What is a quasi-public kindergarten? If you ask your friends around you, either you haven't heard of it, or you don't know it or you are not familiar with it. If your children are not in preschool, but are in elementary school, or even in high school, or even in college, this term is very unfamiliar to them. What exactly is a quasi-public kindergarten? Parents may not be very clear about it. All they know is that they have to pay less money. The so-called "quasi-public kindergartens" refer to private kindergartens that fulfill the criteria of "fee amount", "teachers' and caregivers' salary", and "basic assessment",

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【親子教養篇】 仁和幼兒園辦學理念

仁和之意:「仁和」→兩人以上謂仁,和乃和平,以人際關係做前提,具有:  福祿貝爾先生好園丁的精神:老師好比園丁,以愛心、耐心來照顧幼兒,從「人性教育」為出發點,讓孩子在自我逐漸摸索、學習中,了解自身的能力與潛力。  蒙特梭利蝸牛的精神:尊重兒童,以兒童為中心,把握兒童的敏感期,融

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園長的話 – 小朋友:來幼兒園真開心

期望愈高,失望愈大。 原本已做好7月13日復課的一切準備,又被打碎了,七月八日下午一點多,學會傳來一則三級延長、適度鬆綁的訊息,仔細一看「各級學校、幼兒園、課照中心、補習班維持現行機制」意思就是仍需停課不停班。而鬆綁的行業裡卻有餐飲場所、運動場館(除游泳池外),大家以疑惑的眼光討論著~實在很不解,可

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這週,我聽到一個很溫暖的故事。 5月中,台灣的家長、老師與學生們,正因突然的停課宣布而兵荒馬亂,臉書很快出現名為「台灣線上同步教學社群」的新社團,短時間內,竟有7萬多位老師集結,共同學習如何線上教學。 透過資深記者雅筑的筆,我才知道它的發生,不是偶然。 原來,雙北市宣布升到三級警戒的同一時間,一封來

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園長的話 – 不一樣的畢業典禮

全國疫情三級警戒再度延長至7月12日,所有行程計劃全部打亂,五、六月原訂的活動都無法舉辦;今已七月,學期最後一個月,若7月13日能如期復課,那畢業典禮就能夠舉辦。原定7月24日週六,擔心時間太趕,延後一週7月29日週四,7月30日週五同樂會及中小班結業典禮。 計畫跟不上變化,典禮,原計畫邀請家長參加

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