Day: January 9, 2021

A word from the Director - Where there are people, there are lamps; where there is a heart, there is light.

The end of the year and the beginning of the New Year are always particularly attractive. People are eager to end the old year on a good note and start the new one with a joyful heart. Though the 2020 Croup epidemic has ravaged the world and changed much of life and order, a new year always begins with new hopes and new perspectives. On the last day of the year, some people get together as a family and reflect on the past year, what are the things worth remembering, reminiscing about, or worth sharing, encouraging, or remembering the teachings of the past.

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Parenting] Lanterns

Lanterns, anciently known as drum lanterns. Mainly round, oval, rectangular and other palace lantern shape, not much change, with the variegated shape of the lanterns are different. There are many types of paper lanterns, including horse lanterns, sheep lanterns, wind lanterns, lanterns, Matsu wind lanterns, etc., and in recent years, plastic lanterns have been hung in front of restaurants and stores. Lanterns were invented to protect light sources such as candles, making them easier to carry and hang, whether placed outdoors or indoors in passageways and staircases, so that they will not be damaged by the absence of a cover.

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