Day: April 6, 2019

Message from the Campus Director - Dedication, Effort, and Participation in the Movement

It was another successful Parent-Child Sports Day that united the centripetal force of everyone. Teachers' dedication, children's hard work, parents' enthusiastic participation, and the host's ability to form a strong team, even the weather favored us to participate in this event, the children played games and did sports to their heart's content, demonstrating their superb physical fitness. Each activity was arranged according to the children's current learning ability and naturally presented to the parents; from the opening ceremony to the flash mob.

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【親子教養篇】 讓孩子做學習的主人翁

我們常說「兒童是國家未來的主人翁」,所以家長和老師要好好教育他們,將來才能成為國家棟梁,社會中堅。只是過去對主人翁的界定其實很狹隘,強調的是學校科目的學習,並透過層層篩選培養出所謂的優秀知識份子,成為社會中少數的領導階層。 在傳統的人才養成過程裡,多數的兒童在一致的標準框架下學習,他們沒什麼機會真正

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