Day: July 1, 2017

Message from the Director - Health + Exercise = A Better Life

"Mr. Gardener, I ran fast in the pasture this morning, and the teacher said I looked like a scamperer! So do I." "I've given up jumping. .... Mr. Principal, I can do 25 sit-ups .......". The children scrambled to tell the principal about the results of their morning fitness program, and we saw their faces light up and they were so proud of themselves. At the end of each semester, Jen-Ho will conduct fitness tests for children in four directions: body composition, cardiorespiratory fitness, muscle fitness, and flexibility.

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Parenting ~ The Benefits of Swimming for Toddlers

I. Benefit the development of bones and joints: In the water, you can freely dance your limbs and spine, stretch your joints, and will not be impacted by the reaction force, so it is favorable to the development of bones and joints. Secondly, it can increase the muscle coordination and the development of muscles. Increase muscle coordination and sense of balance: Because water is fluid and therefore unstable, it can be used to train muscle coordination and sense of balance, and even after growing up, body movements and various sports can have better performance! Three. Favorable to growth and development: because swimming can train the young children

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