Day: May 27, 2017

Message from the Director - Celebrating Dragon Boat Festival

In May, before the end of spring and the beginning of summer, the weather was already hot and summery, the earth was rolling under the blazing sun, there was a lack of rain and water was in short supply, everyone was looking forward to the rains coming down from the heavens to moisturize the earth. People's cries seem to have been heard. The rains in the past two weeks have made the surrounding environment smell different; the air seems to have become cleaner, with a little bit of fresh earth, making people feel more refreshed and comfortable.

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Parenting ~ Listening and Dialogue - The Golden Key to Communication during Rebellion (Part 2)

理解蛻變期的痛苦 不少家長在孩子國小階段全力付出,當孩子進入國高中之後,則覺得孩子已經拉拔長大,應該懂事了,應改懂得父母的用心,也會為將來努力,甚至希望懂得人情世故、應對進退,事實真是如此嗎?青少年時期的孩子,雖然擁有接近大人的外表,但他們依然有顆未成熟的心,他們生來就衣食無缺,不懂得上一代的苦,他

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