Day: October 15, 2016

A word from the headmaster - Bear Praise

"The children gave a deafening welcome when the big black bear appeared on the stage. On Wednesday morning, the Paper Windmill Theatre Company came to the Park to promote the annual children's play, Witch Top on the Roof. In just thirty minutes, the children laughed and laughed, creating a whirlwind of excitement that was no less than the level of adult idolatry. Had it not been for the principal and teachers stopping them, "Witch Top" and "Bear Xan" would not have been able to get off the campus; and had it not been for the sweltering heat of the bear suit that "Bear Xan" wore, it would have been impossible to shoot a picture of him in a black bear suit.

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【親子教養篇】 運動 創造家人珍貴回憶

我們十分鼓勵孩子運動,根據研究發現,持續運動可以讓人體分泌腦內啡(endorphin) ,令人產生快樂的感受,紓解心理壓力。 以運動話題會友 相信大家都接受這種科學的解釋,但對我們家而言,運動不只活動筋骨、戶外休閒而已,其實,還有連結我們全家感情的作用。孩子還小的時候,我們會帶孩子一起去騎單車,享受

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