Month: June 2016

園長的話 – 露營,美好的回憶


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"Parenting" "Enterovirus

《為什麼叫做「腸病毒」,是因為它會讓我們的腸子生病、拉肚子嗎?》腸病毒是過濾性病毒的一種。它會被叫做「腸病毒」的原因是腸病毒會較長時間聚居在人類的胃腸道黏膜生長繁殖。所以,它不是因為會讓你拉肚子、嘔吐等胃腸疾病才被叫做「腸」病毒。 《如果媽媽懷孕了但是感染到腸病毒,會不會生下的畸形兒寶寶?》 目前並

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A word from the head of the garden - "The Tomodo family and the Amoyas"

During the Dragon Boat Festival, a four-day vacation, it rained everywhere due to the southwesterly jet stream, disrupting everyone's planned outings. The rain brought by this southwestern air current has not improved until this week, with sunny and rainy days, cold and hot days, and the weather report predicts that the weather will not return to normal until Saturday. The abundant rainfall has brought a lot of water to the reservoirs, so there should not be any water shortage this summer. However, the rain has made life inconvenient. 2016 Tainan Arts Festival debuts in Chi

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Parenting] Self-Expression - How to Tell a Good Story

很多時候,我們會羨慕口才好的人,因為他們能夠說得一口好故事,這裡的故事不是只過去我們在童話書中看到的,而是對於自我想法表達的代稱,如何將自己的故事說清楚,也是一門很深奧的藝術。培養說故事的能力,比你想像中的還重要。 「你的夢想是什麼?」看似一個簡單的問句,假使今天有一位陌生人向你提出這個問題,你有信

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Message from the Director - Five Days Festival

"On the 5th day of the 5th lunar month, we tie meat dumplings, and on the 5th day of the 5th lunar month, we race dragon boats to win the championship. Eat the meat dumplings and watch the dragon boat. Adults and children are laughing." Take the test, go ahead! I speak Taiwanese, you speak Chinese. "Five Days Festival?" "Dragon Boat Festival." "Meat dumplings?" "Rice Dumplings", "Dragon Boat Rowing", "Pork Dumplings". "Rowing the dragon boat." "Meat dumplings are delicious." "Meat dumplings are tasty and fragrant." "Racing for the championship in the dragon boat race?" "Row the dragon boat and win the championship." "Eat meat dumplings?" "Eat meat dumplings";

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[Parenting] Talk to your child more often, language skills are superior!


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Message from the Principal - Start small


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[Parenting] President Tsai Ing-wen Talks About Education Reform - If We Don't Change Our Concepts, It Will Be More and More Difficult to Do So

總統當選蔡英文今下午出席由《今周刊》舉辦的「妳的世代 我們的未來˙與小英姐姐面對面論壇」,與高中女生進行對談。蔡英文表示,教改確實是一個困難的過程,政策領域教育是最困難,教育不只是學生問題,也是老師、家長和社會價值對教育期待的問題,這是一個累積式的過程,非常牢不可破,要做一個改革是一個很鉅大的過程;

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