Day: April 2, 2016

Words from the Principal - Children will learn the skills of self-protection.

Discussion and consensus are important communication issues, even with small children, and it's not just a matter of adults or teachers deciding, but also letting the people involved know why. Because of the rain, the parent-child sports meeting could not be held at the scheduled time. The children knew why, and we had a chance to look through the calendar together to understand the factors that led to the postponement and the decision, so no one complained, but there was disappointment, which is understandable.

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Parenting] Building a Safety Net

Often injuries are not caused by a single factor, but by a combination of multiple imbalances in the source of the injury, the environment, the person, and the time of day. The other risk groups have their common characteristics: insufficient safety knowledge, unskilled skills, inappropriate attitudes and habits, unsafe behaviors, poor physical and mental conditions and unsafe environments. Therefore, in addition to providing safe environments, it is even more important that you, as the primary caregiver of children, have the concept of safety and good habits. I

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