Month: January 2016

園長的話 – 朝向目標前進

小朋友!知不知道上週六,我們選出的總統是誰?」「蔡英文」集合時,照例都會做童謠或生活美語的複習。週二是母語日,以台語和小孩們互動,又以我說國語,我說台語訓練聽和說的能力外,再延伸到中英文的部份,我說中文,我說英文,大夥兒玩得不亦樂乎時,突然閃過「英文」聯想到當選總統的蔡英文主席。 於是話題轉到選舉的

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園長的話 – 改變,才能看見未來的希望,

「Mandy~我當姐姐了!」週四一早,經過史丹佛家教室時,聽見有人在叫我,往裡一看,是庠茲,臉上露出羞澀的笑容,告訴我這個喜訊,我立刻回應說:「是哦!恭喜妳當姐姐了~」聽到園長的恭喜,她的笑容開了「是小弟弟齁?」點頭示意後,開始整理她的書包。一早就聽到小孩來報喜,心情好愉快。 庠茲的舉動,提醒了園長

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園長的話 – 翻轉與改變


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Message from the Director - Welcome to the New Year!

On Wednesday, I took the 2 remaining calendars and asked the children, "How many days are left in 2015 if today is not counted? We all said "1 day", who is already waiting behind us? Without thinking, the children said 2016, the year of the Republic of China (R.O.C.) 105. How did time pass so quickly? At the beginning of the year, I picked up a thick calendar and told the children that this was the calendar for 104 years, but I didn't realize that time was slipping through my fingers.

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