A Word from the Principal - Understanding Children's Tensions and Stresses
一個畢業已經出來開業的學生,教師節來看我,他很不快樂,因為每天門診太沒有挑戰性,一半是過胖兒童,一半是過動兒童。 他說:「我跟父母說飲食要規律,不要給他們吃零食,但是父母都不能堅持,孩子一吵,馬上就投降。我告訴他們,小時後的口味會影響他長大後的選擇,小時後天天吃炸雞、漢堡的人,長大後,當然優先選擇炸
臺灣位於亞熱帶地區,像這樣有點熱、又有點溼的環境,正是蚊子最喜歡的生長環境,所以如果稍微不注意,很容易就會成為登革熱流行的地區。登革熱( Dengue fever),是一種由登革病毒所引起的急性傳染病,這種病毒會經由蚊子傳播給人類。並且依據不同的血清型病毒,分為Ⅰ、Ⅱ、Ⅲ、Ⅳ四種型別,而每一型都具有
"Mr. Ming, can you come to the Father's Day celebration at the nursery school on Friday afternoon?" "Isn't a typhoon coming? We'll see." .... The teacher asked several fathers, but they all gave the same answer. The teacher said, "Principal Mandy, do you want to organize it?" I thought to myself, "Typhoon Soudelor is entering Taiwan from the northeastern part of the country, so Tainan should be fine, and there is no wind or rain, so it is difficult to take a typhoon holiday, so let's invite them and see what happens, and if the dads can't come, then the kids can celebrate on their own." I know.
In a department store, I saw a little boy sitting on the floor, crying and clamoring for ice cream. His cries attracted the attention of passersby, who were watching to see how his parents were going to deal with the dilemma. It was the father who stepped in to solve the problem. The father approached the boy, knelt down, stroked his head, and spoke softly to him, and the boy slowly stopped crying. Unlike the past, when mothers were in charge of discipline, many fathers today, in addition to earning money to support their families, place a high value on intimate interactions with their children.