Month: August 2013

園長的話 – 活動室換新裝


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【親子教養篇】 父母好榜樣 關機陪孩子讀書

朋友的孩子因為段考考不好,被母親以「少一分,扣一元」的方式,扣光了零用錢。孩子不甘願的說:「沒考好是因為媽媽整天看電視,從我回家一直看到上床睡覺。」其實孩子想好好念書,但是電視的聲音吵得他無法專心。孩子想討回零用錢,於是問我:「有沒有證據可以證明:看電視會干擾讀書?」 「不但有證據,而且還不少。」閱

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Words from the Director - A Fountain of Happiness

Recently, the Taipei Zoo's most popular and attention-grabbing news is the mother and daughter of Yuanyuan. Yuanyuan, who was born only 40 days ago, is super eye-catching through news footage of her adorable appearance, and the zoo's Daily Report, which records Yuanyuan's growth, attracts even more attention from the public. From the hairless appearance of Yuanyuan's birth to the growth of her black and white fur, her lying on her back to show her smile as she explores the new world, the growth of her panda eyes, her four-legged sleeping posture, and the interaction with her mother and daughter have also been featured on the national news media. The mother-daughter interaction at the meeting with his mother has also made its way to the top of the national news media.

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【親子教養篇】 孩子需要規範

最近,收到許多朋友轉寄來的一篇訪問報導,談到王品集團的創辦人戴勝益,不准孩子到他創立的公司上班, 而且百分之八十的財產也都要捐給公益團體。他從小教育孩子要自己想辦法,並且要他們生活在疾苦中,體會什麼是「民間疾苦」。看這篇文章,真是心有戚戚焉。使我想起最近看得股神巴菲特兒子寫的書,他們家的教養方式也是

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Message from the Director


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