Month: December 2011

Message from the Director - Don't forget to love and care in the midst of the fun!

"Calendar Day: A workman takes off one collar, a second workman takes off two collars, and after a winter, the armor is not half a collar." What is "Calendar Day"? Tingyin: It's a calendar. What's "a workman's collar"? Yi-Shek: One day, one tear, one winter? A year, huh? That's great. Take out the new calendar for the year 101 and the current calendar for the year 100 and let them observe and compare them to understand the meanings of the lyrics. Most of the children in the older classes understood the words, while those in the middle class seemed to understand them, and those in the younger classes heard nothing, though they didn't understand them.

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『親子教養篇』快樂的小事 幸福的能量


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Message from the Director - Happiness, Love and Care

Although the weather is cold, with the upcoming presidential and legislative elections early next year, the candidates are putting out different beefs to attract voters, but there are also some negative hype issues that keep heating up, and in the atmosphere of the entire election, it has evolved into a situation where each candidate is revealing his or her own wounds and refusing to give in to the other. It is also a joke to the voters. After all, all the candidates are highly educated.

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『親子教養篇』 愛能改變


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Message from the Director


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中西方不同的家庭結構和生活空間動線,都有可能影響親子間的互動模式。當父母反思教養方式時,不妨從生活環境的安排開始作調整,嘗試兼顧孩子和家庭成員的需求。 在討論中西教養的差異時,我們常著眼在深植於歷史文化背景下的價值觀與教養目標如何影響不同文化中的親職行為,進而影響孩子的行為模式、情緒調節、甚至認知發

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Message from the Director - Christmas Care

After Thanksgiving, Christmas is approaching, and the children seem to smell the smell of Christmas. Starting with the change in the teacher's costume - wearing a Christmas apron - the children laughed and said, "The teacher has become Santa Claus. The children laughed and said, "Teacher has become Santa Claus! Santa Claus, the character that children are looking forward to, is said to be an old man in Holland who loved to help the poor more than 1,600 years ago. Later, Dutch missionaries spread this great charity story to the United States, and the character Santa Claus gradually became more and more popular in the United States.

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"Parenting": Developing Empathy in Life


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Message from the Director - Participation


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『親子教養篇』 正確使用美耐皿類食品器具容器Q&A

行政院衛生署食品藥物管理局公文轉知家長 Q1.食品器具容器包裝衛生安全的主管機關?Ans:權責機關是衛生署,對於食品器具容器包裝之衛生安全,衛生署已訂有「食品器具容器包裝衛生標準」。 Q2.美耐皿食品器具容器之耐熱溫度? Ans:一般而言約 110~130℃,但仍需視塑膠產品特性而定。 Q3.目前針

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