Day: May 24, 2010

Message from the Director

Last Saturday, the Hami Melon children participated in a performance at the Family Education Center. Parents said that the Renhe children's performance was "awesome" and very special. The children of the Linglong Radio Station spoke in Taiwanese, which was very childish, and the flute playing, with its relaxing and lively tunes, was great! It was a real pleasure to hear it. Going out to perform is always a tough job. It takes the help and willingness of the teachers, and then the cooperation of the children and their parents to make it happen. Whenever I receive an invitation to perform, I will always think twice about the organizer's list.

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"Parenting" You are special.

文陳之華 幾週前,有一則新聞報導說,國內一名就讀明星高中的女學生,一連被七所美國著名大學錄取。當時我從心底讚許這個成績與才華優異的學生,但也清楚明白,她此時匯聚各種優勢條件的好成績,絕對是她「個人」的成就,不見得能套用在其他孩子身上,畢竟每個孩子「成功」的方式未必相同,而且也不需複製。在北歐居住過多

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