Day: September 25, 2009

Message from the Director September 25

This morning, the activity room was filled with energetic, dynamic and enthusiastic physical fitness music. We saw children following the physical fitness equipments placed in the activity room, such as Tarzan, walking stairs, bouncing, going through the cave, stepping on the ball and catching the ball, climbing up and down, and transporting the big ball, etc., and they were playing the rounds of physical fitness games arranged by teachers in an orderly and regulated way. Seeing them play happily with smiles on their faces, the picture is like a beautiful picture with teachers who love children and cute children.

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"Parenting" Seven Golden Rules for Raising Children

There are more and more signs that the new concept of respecting and encouraging children is sweeping across Taiwan, but it is being interpreted by some as "little control" or "no control," resulting in the teaching of "bullies," "crayons," and young people who hurt or injure themselves or even kill others. The situation in the U.S. is similar to that in Taiwan, where spoiled children are like bullies, leading more and more psychological and educational experts to develop a newer educational theory called "reasonable discipline. Parenting should be based on love

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