Day: August 28, 2009

Message from the Director August 28

The one-month summer camp ended today (8/28) with the passage of time. Although a typhoon struck on the first Friday of the month, causing serious trauma to the Southern Taiwan area, changing the color of the mountains and rivers, and breaking the heart of the road, we still had to face the situation bravely after wiping away the tears, and solving the problems step by step, just like the rainbow's promise, "The sunshine smiles after a storm". Every other Monday, we celebrate Dad's Day with the children as originally planned.

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"Parenting" Children are the mirror of their parents.

To outsiders, children are often said to be like their parents, not just in terms of looks, but in terms of the overall impression they give. It is important for parents to "walk the talk and lead by example". At first glance, this may sound like a cliché with no new meaning. However, it is not surprising that there is no new meaning because "teaching by example" has always been an unchanging rule in homeschooling. Although newborn babies come into the world with certain inborn qualities, they are nevertheless not born with the same qualities as their parents.

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