Parenting - Classes will be closed for a new strain of flu and adjusted on a case-by-case basis.
『親子教养篇』 新流感停課 將依個個案調整 摘自國語日報 北縣光復國小發現在新型流感H1N1病例全校千多師生全學停課七天,引起外界質疑作法太嚴格。 The Ministry of Education said yesterday that it will review and improve the principle of suspending the whole school for seven days once there is a confirmed case of influenza H1N1. The Secretary for Physical Education, Mr. Wang Chunquan, and the Director of Health, Mr. Ye Jinchuan, both pointed out that if there is another H1N1 case, the method of suspending classes will depend on the size of the school and the outbreak of the disease.